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How to teach a dog to sit – Puppy Training

puppy training

Puppy training doesn’t have to be hard and it is really easy to train your puppy a simple sit during your games; by incorporating this into your regular playtimes you can teach your puppy that sitting is always a good way to get people’s attention or get a game to recommence. This will soon become their chosen behaviour when they want something from you rather than jumping up, mouthing or barking!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to teach a dog to sit:

  1. Choose the Right Time and Place:

Pick a quiet, distraction-free area for dog training. This will help your dog focus better.

  1. Gather Treats:

Have some small, tasty treats that your dog loves. These will be used as rewards during the training.

  1. Get Your Dog’s Attention:

Call your dog’s name in a cheerful tone to get their attention. You can also use some of our interactive Coachi toys to regain your dog’s focus. 

  1. Use a Hand Signal:

While holding a treat, raise it slightly above your dog’s head. This gesture will naturally cause them to raise their head and, in turn, lower their rear end into a sitting position.

  1. Say the Cue Word:

As you raise the treat, say the cue word “Sit” in a clear and calm voice. Use the same word consistently to avoid confusion.

  1. Reward and Praise:

As soon as your dog’s rear touches the ground, praise them enthusiastically and give them the treat. Positive reinforcement helps your dog associate the action with the reward.

  1. Repeat:

Practice the command several times in short sessions. Repetition is key to reinforce the behaviour.

  1. Add Duration:

Once your dog starts sitting reliably, gradually increase the time they need to remain seated before you reward them.

  1. Remove the Treat from View:

As your dog becomes more consistent, start using treats less frequently and eventually phase them out. However, always reward them occasionally to keep the behaviour strong.

  1. Generalise the Command:

Practice the “Sit” command in different locations and with various distractions. This helps your dog learn to sit in any situation.

  1. Use Verbal Praise:

Eventually, your dog should respond to the verbal cue without needing a treat every time. Continue praising them whenever they follow the command correctly.

  1. Be Patient and Positive:

Puppy training takes time and patience. Always use positive reinforcement and avoid punishment, as it can confuse and discourage your dog.

Remember that every dog is different, and the time it takes to learn the command may vary. Some dogs catch on quickly, while others may need more time and repetition. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key to successful dog training.

Fiona Whelan ~ Pet Behaviourist

Fiona has been working at the Training and Behaviour Centre as a behaviour specialist since 2002, and previously ran her own training and behaviour establishment in Lincolnshire for seven years so has a wealth of experience as a behaviour counsellor.