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One-to-one Lessons

Personalised sessions focused on you and your dog's needs. Whether you'd like to visit the centre, learn on a walk or train in your own home, we are here to help!

If your dog struggles in a group environment, one-to-one lessons can help you address any specific training needs you have.

If your dog struggles in a group environment, one-to-one lessons can help you address any specific training needs you have. Lessons may be a ‘one-off’ or you can continue with as many sessions as you require in your own timescale. Choose from training at our Pet Centre, at home, or on a training walk.

Lesson at the Centre

Any age £60 1 hour

Come and learn in the relaxed, friendly atmosphere of a 100-acre working farm with our experienced trainers.

Training Walk

Any age £60 1 hour

“Walkies” is one of the most exciting parts of a dog’s day but walks can also present some challenges. If you need training assistance and advice on one of your daily walks, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Lesson at Home

Any age £60 plus travel 1 hour

Whether you have a new puppy or an adult dog, sometimes it’s best to see your pet in their home environment. If you need training assistance and advice on how to tackle some of these problems, we can help.

Virtual Puppy Lesson

Up to 1 year £60 1 hour

If your puppy has yet to complete their vaccinations and you would like to start training before they are allowed out, you can book a virtual lesson to ask any questions that you may have.


Five working days.

Generally, it is not possible to offer a refund after the course has started, the only exception to this is if we find someone else to take your place.

As we rarely have classes running concurrently this is not generally possible. If we do happen to have started two courses on the same week, it may be possible for you to attend on a different day, however only if there was a spare space as do not exceed the class number limit which for most classes is six.

Regrettably, your dog will be unable to attend should they become unwell or into season. We do encourage you to come along to class to see what is being taught so that you can practise at home.

Only if that person has attended the previous classes.

Generally, it is not possible to offer a refund after the course has started, the only exception to this is if we find someone else to take your place.

The Centre has both indoor as well as outdoor facilities. Therefore, if the weather is particularly bad i.e. heavy rain or extreme heat, your class will take place indoors. This does not however apply to agility which only takes place outdoors. If the decision is made to cancel an agility class due to extreme weather, you would be contacted as soon as the decision has been made.

Due to current COVID-19 regulations we are limiting numbers to two people per dog. Once regulations have been lifted, there will be no limit to the number who attend as it is important that everyone in the household is consistent with how the dog is raised.

A class environment is not ideally suited to address these issues. If you are unsure if your dog could cope in this situation, please contact the Centre staff who can advise you.

Yes. However, we would not recommend that you attend two courses that run back to back as two hours of training would be too long for most dogs.

All our courses are available to view and book online via our website. We will also make recommendations to you before you finish the course you are on, with regards to which one to join next.

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