Company of Animals

Reasons to use a Dog Muzzle

muzzle training

Muzzles are a training tool for dogs who are reactive to other dogs or people but the reasons for using a dog muzzle do not end there. Muzzle training can be an essential part of normal dog training methods for reassurance in all situations. It’s important to remember that if you see a muzzled dog, they are not a bad dog, what you are seeing is a responsible owner taking the correct precautions for all be it other dogs, specific people, wildlife, or the muzzled dog itself.

The process of muzzle training is not a “cruel” or “lazy” one despite some misinformed opinions out there, some of which assume the muzzle is simply shoved onto the snout. Professional canine behaviorists will tell you it takes time, trust, patience, and a lot of peanut butter! If you are asking yourself “Should I muzzle my dog” then you are not alone and you shouldn’t feel guilty. It is a good idea to start the muzzle training for all dogs in order to have this option should you need it in the future. 

So why use a dog muzzle?

Here are some of the most common reasons besides nerves and reactivity that the muzzled dog you spot on your daily walks may be sporting the head gear.

Wildlife scavenging

They say, “the early bird catches the worm” but in some cases it’s “the dog catches the poor defenseless squirrel”. It’s not their fault, many breeds have strong prey instincts or perhaps they’re just greedy and consider horse poop or roadkill to be a delicacy. Either way, it’s not good for the dog or the local wildlife. Good recall training in combination with muzzle training will help avoid loss of life.

Food scavenging

For some dog owners, the sight of their four-legged friend’s head in a bin is a common occurrence. The embarrassment of picnics being raided is one thing, but the worry of (potentially expensive!) trips to the vet for eating toxic things is just too much of a risk for some. This is when an Anti Scavenge Muzzle may be required. Our Baskerville Muzzle is a comfortable and humane design that offers enough room for dogs to pant, cool down and drink but the extra guard at the front means they can’t eat things they shouldn’t!

Veterinary care

Muzzle training is particularly useful for vet visits as it gives your veterinarian reassurance. Muzzles used during medical procedures keep the dog and the veterinary staff safe as often when in pain, dogs can behave unpredictably. Using a muzzle at the vets is even more important for dogs that have a history of being fearful or aggressive in a medical setting.

Dog Grooming

Many dogs do not like having certain areas touched or having their nails clipped, so using a muzzle on your dog for their pamper sessions is an easy way to ensure both the Groomer and dog are safe. 

Socialization and Dog Training

Like people, some dogs are shy and anxious in new experiences and so, rather than risk anything dangerous, muzzle training can be a useful tool for extra peace of mind. This is particularly useful during socialization, especially for dogs that have behavioral issues. It helps trainers and handlers maintain control while exposing the dog to new experiences and stimuli.

Travel and Transportation

When traveling with your dog, especially on public transportation, using a muzzle can be a safety precaution and may be required in certain circumstances. 

Wound licking

While Pixar’s movie “UP” made the “cone of shame” a sweet and relatable giggle for all, the reality is that recovery collars and cones aren’t very practical, especially on walks. Many dog owners don’t consider muzzle training important if their dog isn’t aggressive or reactive, forgetting that they may need it for exactly this reason one day.

The muzzled dog you see may just be recovering from surgery and the owner is taking precautionary steps to avoid the risk of infection. 


In many countries it is actually unlawful to bring your unmuzzled dog to certain places. Whether it’s breed related or behavioral history, seeing a muzzled dog should only give more credit to the owner. While we condemn breed specific legislation here at Company of Animals, the bans on breeds, most recently the XL Bully, means that muzzle training is a necessity in order to safeguard your dog. For example, in Italy all dogs need to be muzzled on public transport. It’s the law!

So, next time you see a muzzled dog out and about, take a moment and consider all the possible reasons this owner may have taken the time to muzzle train their much-loved pet.

Reasons to use a Dog Muzzle ~